Monday, January 27, 2014

Birthday Festivities!

My friends and I in our party hats!

My birthday was a few days ago. Since I was turning 19 I was not super excited because there is not a whole lot you can do at 19. At 15 you can get your permit, at 16 you can get your license, at 17 you can get into R rated movies, at 18 you can buy lotto tickets and 19… nothing. But it turned out to be a pretty fantastic day. My friend, Amanda, painted a picture for me, Sydney wrote me a poem, and my roommate, Mary, made cute drawings that represented different bonding experiences or times together as roommates. I have only known all three of these girls for about five months, yet they all took the time to do something heart-felt and thoughtful. It really brightened my day.
To celebrate my special day, Mary and I ordered pizza and we opened my “Party in a Box”. Let me explain. My step-mom sent me back from break with a box which I assumed was a present, but she told me it was a “Party in a Box”. She was not kidding. It included SpongeBob party hats and noisemakers, a Happy Birthday sign, 12 pudding cups, princess coloring pages, silly putty, and a bunch of other fun goodies. We enjoyed that for about an hour and then headed off to see Frozen for SAB’s (Student Activity Board’s) $3 movie night that they have every month. It was my second time seeing the movie and Amanda’s SIXTH! She loves Olaf, the little snowman, and she sat there talking along with him throughout the entire movie. She was quiet so I didn’t mind.
                In addition to all of the festivities and crafty gifts, I received homemade muffins, two running hugs and a bunch of normal hugs. I know that may seem like a strange thing for me to mention, but it meant a lot. I have not been a RU that long, but I already feel like I have found a second home. I couldn’t be happier with my choice of a University and I can’t wait to see how the next three years go with this awesome group of students.

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