Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow days!

School has just resumed after two snow days in a row. We received over a foot of snow and the temperature was so low that the salt wasn’t doing anything to keep sidewalks and roads clear. My friends and I braved the weather yesterday to get some lunch and we realized exactly why the closed school. The roads were horrendous and we were sliding all over the place. Luckily we got home safe, but we probably should have stayed on campus.
All bundled and ready to go!
I was not as productive as I should have been over the past couple of days. As I said in my last blog, things have been crazy and I always find myself with a lot of work to do. But, instead of doing homework I spent a lot of time with the other girls on my floor. We went night sledding (which was such a blast) on a campus hill, watched movies, attempted to do homework together (which just ended with us looking up interesting quotes or pictures of cute animals on Pinterest), or freaking out about our RA interviews. The interviews for being an RA (Resident Assistant) have been going on for the past couple weeks and we were supposed to find out about whether or not we got the job on Monday or Tuesday. Well, we didn’t hear anything on Monday, so we were pumped for Tuesday; however, all of the schools offices were closed for the snow days. Word on the street is we should hear sometime today because they are open again. I haven’t heard anything yet and I am keeping myself from checking my email again until I am finished with my shift in the tutoring center. To be perfectly honest, this blog entry is the only thing keeping me sane.
Although I didn’t get a ton of work done, I needed the small break to just relax. Plus, snow days are way better in college. In high school, you can’t go anywhere so you are stuck at your house all alone unless your family is off too or you are lucky enough to be within walking distance of your friend’s house (which I was not). In college, you live with all of your friends and it is like a big crazy sleepover. It is fun to day the least.

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