Saturday, February 1, 2014

Getting Busier by the Minute

Sisterhood event: Movie night

Things are absolutely crazy this semester. The past few weeks have been a lot of fun, but I am definitely doing enough juggling to be a circus performer. Just to give you a hint of what I mean, here is a little run down of my schedule; I am taking 16 credit hours (5 classes plus a weekly piano lesson that I have to practice for 30 minutes a day), there are new member meetings every week for my sorority, I am tutoring in our Learning Center 6 hours a week, there is book club every other Thursday, Pasta and Prayer is every Tuesday, choir practice is every Friday, Yoga class is every Sunday morning, Mass is every Sunday night, one Monday a month LIFT (ladies in faith together) meets, I have had to prepare for and execute an interview to be a RA and there is a follow-up group interview tomorrow, my birthday was a little over a week ago and I celebrated that with my friends, my friend’s birthday was last night so we went out for that,  I have had “penguin pal” dates with my sorority sisters, I was out of town last weekend for a funeral so I had to find ways to squeeze in homework, I try to call my parents pretty regularly, and I am trying to balance multiple groups of friends. The last one is a nice problem to have but it is still stressful. Now that I joined a sorority I want to spend time with my “sisters” so I can get to know them but I also have friends I made during first semester that I want to make time for also because they are wonderful and I don’t want to lose them. I also didn’t really mention how much time it takes to do homework but I’m sure that you, whoever you are, are either in school or have been in school before and you have some idea of what the work load is like.
All dressed up for Matt's birthday!
While trying to balance all this stuff my planner has been my absolute best friend. I know everyone says this but it is so important for me to write everything down. Even social events need to have a spot in there because if I forget one, people have a way of getting angry and then my stress level can increase even more. But another thing I’ve found important is relaxation time. If you have trouble making time for this one, write it down in your planner. Make it happen. If it doesn’t, you’ll get burnt out quickly and there won’t be enough energy left for all the things you love.

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